1. Never text first 只有你搵佢, 佢唔會搵你先 2. Cut dates short 出黎無啦啦早走 3. Vanish from dating apps 消失左係tinder或者其他dating apps(如果你地係apps識) 4. They're always busy 好忙係佢嘅口頭禪
5. Ignore your hanging out invitation 唔肯出黎 6. Short and simple text 講完一堆野佢覆你k 7. Far-fetched excuses 無厘頭嘅籍口(我隻狗頭先跌左落樓梯 所以而家出唔到黎呀)
8. If you smell too similar or too different from a potential partner 同對方陣味太似/太唔同 9. Dishonesty 唔誠實 10. Not being humble 太驕傲 11. If you disagree with someone's political preferences 政見唔同 12. Heavy smoking and drinking 煙剷/爛飲