1. Sleep deprivation 唔夠訓
2. Being mean 黑人憎
3. Contractive body language 收收埋埋嘅身體語言(例如. 交叉手臂)
4. Stress 壓力
5. Looking too happy or too proud 個樣太開心或者太得戚
6. Not having a sense of humour 冇啲幽默感
7. Laziness 懶得濟
8. If you smell too similar or too different from a potential partner 同對方陣味太似/太唔同
9. Dishonesty 唔誠實
10. Not being humble 太驕傲
11. If you disagree with someone's political preferences 政見唔同
12. Heavy smoking and drinking 煙剷/爛飲